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Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

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Product details

File Size: 54021 KB

Print Length: 379 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: B00OQU7PE4

Publisher: For Dummies; 2 edition (May 5, 2017)

Publication Date: May 5, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B07197G88V



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#241,645 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Overall, poorly written and limited utility.The first half was an overview of the state of the art (when written, but I expected that with such fast moving technology) in 3D printing broadly. Unfortunately, it was written in a very stilted style that would not have passed a Freshman technical writing course. It used the "Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them," format, but badly. It went about four or five levels deep, but after the first pass through, mostly repeated what was covered in the overview, sometimes with the same words, no expansion. They used the same 8 or so examples over and over again. US Military developing deployable 3D printing capability, NASA printing structures using Lunar regolith, etc. The first time through was fine, but after the third or fourth time supposedly in more detail, but with no actual detail added, boring. And that from a working engineer who's eaten up deep technical matter most people find boring for 50+ years.Frankly, it seemed like the authors had 30-40 pages of real content they were instructed to stretch over 150 pages.The second half of the book was a different story. It was a good, broad overview of selecting, acquiring, building, calibrating and first prints from a home Rep Rap printer (what I wanted from the book). Little unnecessary repetition, good descriptions of pros and cons of decisions you'll need to make along the way, including the software and hardware. Nothing you can't find somewhere on the internet, but all in one place and easy to review again if needed. And a pretty good framework to hang the added detail you can find on the internet. If you are more comfortable with books, probably worth the price, if you are really fluent in internet info finding and synthesis, not so much.So, 1-2 stars for the first half (and last 20 pages), 4 stars for the portion on building a rep rap printer.

I gave this book 5 stars because I enjoyed reading it. For me it explained all the aspects of 3D printing in one place which allowed me to become familiar with the techniques, language, engineering and applications of 3D printing in a weekend. After reading this book I am confident about getting into and purchasing a 3D printer.My background is I am handy and computer literate. For me the information was straight forward and easy to comprehend. After reading this I think it will be similar to building a computer in the late 90s. Well maybe easier as the parts appear to be less proprietary. The author gave a very good break down of the build process over several chapters. I though it was well organized and provided good pictures and techniques of the 3D components. I haven't visited many sites or blogs on 3D printing so if you have been scouring the web for a few months you may have picked up the same general information as you will find in this book but because the authors have done this (make a 3D printer - also one is at the pinnacle of this technology ) I found their guidance to be exactly what I was looking for as a neophyte. I am no longer the neophyte I was 48 hours ago and can discuss arduino type boards from ramps to elefu-ra. Injectors like J-type, prusa and e3d and how the gear should be set up for feeding PLA or ABS.If you would like an exploration both historical and technical into 3D printing and are going to buy or build a 3D printer as I am - read this book. This is the only book I will read on the subject after this I will dive into the 3D open source community. Hope this review helps you.

This feels like an extended Wikipedia article. Most for Dummies books are enough to get you started with something, but this is more of a history lesson, with a fair amount of speculation mixed in. Nothing practical here.

Great book for history of 3d printing. I didn't give it 5 stars due to in my opinion should have been a book on how to actually print or really get into speed setting and extruder setups for best quality prints. It could have gone over what a good print looks like or what's happening and how to adjust for the problems you face as a beginner at 3d printing. I do understand that their are hundreds of different brands of printers but they are all trying to do the same thing. That is to make the best prints possible.

Extremely informative. While not having enough information to make you an expert, it does have enough information to explain to you the fundamentals of 3d printing and the effects it will have on society and the world! If you would like a bit of background on 3d printing and materials, this book is perfect for you.

I just finished building my own 3D Printer from a kit when this book finally arrived at my door. I read it in about 3 days, highlighting all the important (or at least, important areas to me).This book helped me tremendously with calibrating my bed and extruder. Made Slic3r and Pronterface much more easy to understand and gave great tips on settings for different types of prints.Seriously, a great book to have in your 3D printing collection.A side note, this book does mention a bit about building 3D printers from kits. I built my Prusa i3 from the Makerfarm kit, which I was very surprised not to see mentioned in this book as it's an all-inclusive kit that really solves a lot of the guesswork. It's also a great way to learn the ins-and-outs of 3d printers so you can go on to build your own.

I really liked this book for the simple fact that it convinced me to NOT get into 3-D printing. It’s comprehensive enough that you get the ins and outs of 3-D printing and provides the information you need to make an informed decision. As for me, I will stick with “subtractive manufacturing “ and carefully hew my projects from steel and brass on the lathe and mill.

It should be called the HISTORY of 3d printing for dummies.





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